Personal path to distance-working

Ayjemal Gurbanova
4 min readJan 23, 2021


Source: Google

In Turkmen culture, dads expect their daughters to appear at home after sunset. No matter how urgent the job is or multiple tasking is full overhead, parents don’t approve girls to be at the office late-night but near them, at home. Likewise, my parents’ concern starts troubling their blood after sunset. But, what? Girl is not home?! Where then? Working at office miles away from home who catches the latest cycle of a bus at 10 p.m!

My parents got used to it since I turned 19. That was the time when I understood my life role, set certain goals, and strove to them. A variety of language courses, freelance jobs, tutorials made my time fly that after the call from dad or mom I remembered to return home. Of course, mountain of dinner-left dishes was welcoming me to wash!

I thank my parents heartfully for letting me pursue my dreams, work till 11 p.m. (rarely but yes), giving enough freedom with elder daughter status!

Coming to my distance-job experience, as I am the last year at University feeling the urge of working, I deeply focused on LinkedIn application. Updated my profile, connected with people, and checked up the feed more than any other media platforms. Eventually, I decided to switch the “Open to work” function. Surprisingly quite many reactions and replies came through offering different positions. This was very new to me that I was nervous to negotiate the matters which included shift hours, technical responsibilities, salary.

Source: Google

3 years ago, I felt obliged to obey the rules and salary requests from Managers. But now, I engage with confidence in what I do and request my own price of hard-work. So far feels good!

One of the offers, suitable to my priorities came from Mr. Alan via LinkedIn. He asked relevant questions about my background work skills which thereafter we had our Zoom meeting for a detailed conversation. He discussed things-to-do professionally, accordingly, determined, and most importantly, not bossy!

The annoyance I had about Managers’ ego and their “back seat driver” character didn’t exist in him. That was the first thing that tempted me to work for his company.

December 2020 was the month of testing. To examine whether both sides are contented, set up work in order, understand the needs and get a mutual benefit. It succeeded!

From January 2021, I started working for Limited77 that makes unique Wooden Phone Cases and Accessories for “iPhone”, “Samsung” and “Google Pixel” based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Working remotely demands along with fast speed internet where I was frequently challenged with. Weekly tasks were uploaded on Atlassian Jira Software that I was expected to finish on time. Lots of business emails to be written to influencers for promotion or guest link requesting to bloggers via SEMrush Academy. Contacting Limited77’s other Managing Groups through Slack System added professionalism to the whole process. Writing blogs on different topics with relevant keywords upgraded my technical vocabulary (to write one, I needed to skim 10 blogs hahaha!) Even though from time to time I got depressed with all advanced-level tasks, I tried my best to catch up with the whole ongoing period. Mom was an Angel to bear up and calm down my stressful naggings at first! Now I am able to hold all process in my little palm! Special thanks to Mr. Alan for his patience! He shares resources to learn and implement before giving me tasks to do.

Source: Google

On the other hand, online working gives spare time to self-improvement. I take extra German classes along with playing guitar (which are new year's resolutions).

We grow, so do our ambitions and targets! The faster we run towards the destination, the further it extends…bringing more complexity. That’s what makes it exciting!

Contacts for purchasing products, additional information, business inquiries:

Web | Mail | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Medium

