Interview with Maral Meredova Muhammedovna, head of Exact and Natural Sciences department.

Ayjemal Gurbanova
6 min readFeb 9, 2019

1. Dear Maral Meredova, we are extremely thankful you have welcomed us to have a warm and academic conversation! In the beginning, can you explain yourself as much as the reader should know?

Let me thank you too for this kind offer. To start with myself, I am from Ashgabat. And I think the main thing reader may know is that we are mathematical family. Three of four siblings of mine are mathematicians. I assume we are the dynasty of this science. Despite of my grandfather’s occupation as farmer, his knowledge in math was well-known among his society. When calculation, measurig problem appeared, they invited him to help. Our life path has been derived from pedagogy. Being 88 year-old Professor, member of Academy of Sciences, my father is still teaching at Turkmen State University. I graduated from the school #6 that is oriented in exact and natural sciences. I participated at the Olympiads in Mathematics and Chemistry.

2. Wonderful! I am proud to see the continuation of this dynasty! What about your educational pathway? We are well aware that you have reached the summit of knowledge, yet would like to know deeper!

Surely. After graduating school, I entered University of Magtymguly. Five years later, I worked at Institute of Pedagogy named after Seyitnazar Seydi in Turkmenabad for two years. Then I became a postgraduate student at Siberian branch of Academy of sciences of Soviet Union. Coming back to Motherland, I worked at the Institute of Economy and Management. Between 2001-2003, I lived in Moscow to gain master of art in economics degree at New Economic School. Following, I experienced my teaching skills in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. I worked as a teacher for trainers; my students were teachers themselves from diverse Universities of Central Asia. I have been quite a lot country for purpose of education. Including many European countries, USA, China, Turkey, and Iran. In addition, as a winner of two Fulbright program, I did research initially at Indiana University, secondly at UCLA (University of California in Los Angeles). Since I transferred IUHD, I have been teaching math courses for bachelors and Master’s courses such as “Quantities Analysis 1 and 2”. So, how does it sound?

3. Prodigious and indefatigable! How many educational awards do you own so far? Oh, and including academic articles that have been published?

I would say Fulbright carries the word “award”. About publications, didn’t even try to count it, predictably more than 60. Moreover, some methodical textbooks in math.

4. Usually, exact scientists are not keen on writing matters unless it is mandatory by their demanded area, how does it affect you? Do you like writing?

At first, I couldn’t adapt writing, but now I do want to write! Why? Because I am aware of education system of Turkmenistan, Soviet Union and Western countries. Therefore, would like not to waste my experiences. I am keen on writing, especially different type of guidelines rather than stable theoretical books.

5. Nice approach! What motivated you to reach the top level as Ph.D. whereas most people fail in the middle by complaint that it is depressing? Was it really?

Naturally, my family held my arms in hard times. Furthermore, environmental influence supported that I should climb higher. Places I had been were full of PhD students. When I compared my knowledge to them, I would ask myself “If they can, why can’t I? Why would I not study and get up their level?” Comparison is main motivation for me. There is a good quote goes “If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in wrong one. Change it.” Indeed, I was a postgraduate student in Novosibirsk Institute of Mathematics that located far from city center where all buildings were academic aimed. Whenever I entered canteen, instead of everyday matters, I would hear students’ major conversation about science, new inventions, laboratory results and solutions to problems. Always hard-working and clever groups surrounded me. Eventually, how could I think of failure?

6. Right! Which famous professors did you get chance to meet with? Was it awkward because you were excited or had it passed smoothly?

I had multiple meetings, but two of them were extremely memorable. One day I was waiting for the elevator when I was a post graduate student at Institute of Mathematics. After the prominent “ding”, the doors opened to reveal the director of the Institute of Mathematics Sergey Lvovich Sobolev. I remained still and even attempted to leave, but he replied, “Please do come in, we will go up together”. This, I presume, as the topmost level of one’s intelligence. He is worldwide famous due to being one of the three people (S.A.Khristianovich, S.L.Sobolev, M.A.Lavrentyev) who established the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences. His doctoral dissertation was not more than 50 pages, yet he opened an absolutely new approach and space for mathematicians. To this day, we utilize his works widely.
The second unforgettable meeting was when; I met Oliver Blanschart, a well-known French economist. In short, I met many more famous professors, but these two has deep place in my memory.

7. In your opinion, what separates a mathematician from ordinary people?

Perfect logic and accuracy!

8. Can you share your unique arithmetic of life?

Quite thoughtful query, I must admit. Well, it is indeed useful in science. Unfortunately, in life you cannot put anything in order. Something comes you live it. It is all about expectations and predictions. For instance, two plus two is four; it is fact approved by whole world but life is harder problem to solve. One cannot measure the length, size in arithmetical way.

9. Agree with that. How does your career made an agreement with family relatives? As a lady, you might have a lot of chores other than studying, how could you handle this process?

It was not a big deal though. I have only one daughter and mom would look after her whenever I was in need. Family would keep encouraging me to become one of the first Woman Doctor of Science in Math in Turkmenistan. So did I tried to fulfill their expectations on me!

10. Do you like fiction books? Overall, do you read for pleasure except related to science? If yes, what is your favourite and current paging one?

Truthfully, I don’t like fiction books. Aizek Azimov may be an exception though. I like classics if it comes to literature as Chekhov, Tolstoy and western books in genre of criminal and investigation. Depends on mood.

11. How about films? I would not be surprised if you name “Beautiful mind” directed by Ron Howard as it is related to schizophrenic mathematician professor’s facing with challenges.

Sharply you shot the point! Key core point of equilibrium. I watched it first time while studying in New Economic school. Just admired and inspired! We don’t know what precisely “Pure genuine” means. Perhaps it is between schizophrenic and ordinary mind.

12. We (especially your students who assume you as an idol) would like to know your mysterious abilities and later on skills! How is your relation with art and craft? Do you help your grandchildren in “labour” lesson?

I can play piano. Cooking with granddaughter entertains me. She is so creative coming up with unexpected recipes, so my task is just helping with decoration. Also, as they study at US secondary school, grandchildren would ask for help with their science project designing homework.

13. Recently, you have been making online research on 4th year students of our university about career choice. So far, what results have you seen?

Briefly, we want to do a research in order to reveal the statistics of students such as the reason to attend university, personal interests, future steps and career path. We have 100 answers so far. And we wish to prepare a presentation to share results.

14. Looking forward to! Would you please define IUHD in one sentence? And of course, piece of advice to young minds of future?

IUHD is a unique University within our educational system, which is pride of nation. We are young completing only fifth year of foundation. However, bright minds are ready for next chapters of life already! And never leave your curiosity in guestroom. Someone might take it.

Source: IUHD News, issued on Dec-Jan 2019
Ayjemal Kurbanova, Journalism 2
International University for the Humanities and Development

